Testing at the API Boundary

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Building services with strong versioned API’s provides a great place to test applications without the churn. Testing along API boundaries can more easily prevent regressions and validate functionality.

I have been thinking about building applications with the API first. I don’t have lots of experience here, but want to learn more since it seems to be the direction technology is trending with decoupled architectures and microservices.

API first promotes decoupling and modularity from the start. Beginning your early development by also testing thoroughly at the API is a great way to build quality in.

With our projects we tried to break up our dependencies across smaller libraries, tools and services. The service API’s are versionned using part of the url and/or backwards compatible data/responses. We have added tests for these APIs which have been useful while maintaining the services.

Why API Testing

I think there are a several reasons why testing along the API is particularly useful compared to unit and integration tests.

Less churn and easier to maintain due to versionning. Versionning along an API provides more stability compared to other code. Smaller classes and UI elements are more likely to change which would impact any associated tests. Tests against service endpoints are less affected by implementation details and should not need to change as often. Not needing to changes as often results in less churn and easier to maintain tests.

Backwards compatibility across versionned contracts will ensure that any tests targeting the API continue to be perform their intended purpose as long as the contract is maintained. When new APIs are made available completely new tests can be added without changing existing tests. When APIs are retired their test suites can be removed at the same time.

Tests provide additional documentation and use case examples. By reviewing the tests developers unfamiliar with the system can understand how it works and what operations are available. Edge cases that are important to preserve can be highlighted by the tests.

This documentation can become executable specifications, such as cucumber. By writing detailed specifications for the service API the desired behaviour it can clarified and what is validated. Using scenarios to describe what being tested can allow less technical team members to review the tests and understand what is being covered. This is not something I have tried in depth, but would like to in the future.

Preventing regressions in public API. API tests can easily confirm if a release is not ready to ship and prevent issues for the entire lifespan of the service. Other test coverage is useful, but does not provide the same guarantees the service works as intended end to end.

Testing can call APIs the same way a normal client would, allowing the tests to exactly replicate use-cases. UI tests can only indirectly validate functionality and unit tests only cover isolated scope.

Start Here, Go Deeper

I think for small services testing only against the API may be enough. We have some services with very comprehensive API tests and few unit tests. The tests take longer to run compared to pure unit tests, but we are very confident about integrating with the service due to the higher level tests. Primarily testing along APIs is even better for this services because it has simple use cases and heavily integrates with other services.

Other services have benefit from a higher percentage of unit tests. Unit tests are better suited to covering everything beneath the service API. Each class may introduce permutations and new behaviour hidden from the API that would be much harder to test from the outside. Our services look like ice bergs with most of the code beneath the surface. Everything above the water needs to behave as expected and all the dangers below the water must be closely watched. I feel the majority of services would fall into this category and would benefit from a wider range of testing above and beyond the versionned API.

I think thoroughly testing along versionned API’s is necessary to protect the health of any service and a great starting point for testing. Reduced churn, improved documentation and preventing regressions are all great reasons to invest heavily in comprehensive API testing. How would your development look different with more API testing?

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