Compiling Thoughts ...

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I am not sure how you got here. It is great you made it, but things aren’t ready yet. Read on to discover why you will want to stick around.

Recently, I decided that I wanted to share more of the things I am learning. It was after going to DevOpsDays Toronto that I realized I wanted to do more. That weekend got me incredibly fired up about what we are doing at work and the potential we have to make an impact. Each of the fantastic sessions really struck a chord with me. I could not shake the idea that the hard-fought lessons we learned are not too different than what others encounter on their own journey.

From a very early age I wanted to help people, to truly care about others and make a difference in their lives. With the billions of people on our planet, I would hope that in some small way I could help unlock their creativity or encourage their limitless potential. I didn’t know how to act on this feeling or a have means to scale what one person could do until I learned how to program. It made me feel like I had super powers to create new worlds and do things I never thought possible. An app or website can easily reach the whole world and connect humanity more than anything else that has come before. The recent years have taught me a great deal about software development and craftsmanship but I still feel I have barely scratched the surface. Over time programming became a new passion of mine for creating great software as a means to improve lives, delight users and solve problems.

Earlier this year I welcomed my son Jude into the world and I cannot describe in words the happiness he gives me. My hope is that I can be a role model for him by sharing my passion for helping others and inspire him to achieve his potential. It doesn’t hurt that he is very cute and you will probably be seeing more of this little guy.

Jude with milk all over his face

In the coming weeks, months and hopefully years I would like to share the journey I am going on and the things I am learning. Topics will cover almost anything about creating and shipping software, from the first commit to turning off a service forever. This will include an element of culture, as I strongly believe that creating great things requires a team of passionate individuals aligned to a common purpose. Lean and agile ideals resonate with me and I will talk about how they have helped simplify the process of producing sustainable value. Delivery pipelines, release management, continuous delivery and similar topics will be usual offenders.

Things might not be regular at first thanks to the ups and down of life but I will do my best to stay on track. I hope that you join me on this journey and enjoy what I have to share. See you soon.

I would like to thank Michael Swart and Matt Campbell for helping review this and several other early posts.

The Worst Week of My Life

In January I had the worst week of my life. My wife and I joked we wanted to start 2016 in February. Within a single week I lost my job a...… Continue reading